Chazak V’Ematz – Strengthened to Finish Strong

Chazak V’Ematz – Strengthened to Finish Strong Paul Wilbur

You have undoubtedly heard it before … Chazak v’ematz … ’Be strong and of good courage!’ The now famous phrase for the commissioning of Joshua as the new leader of Israel after Moses’ forced retirement. These inspiring verses have  been a watchword for many of us as we have pioneered this Messianic movement for some…
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Provoking Israel to Jealousy Juleon Akana

Jealousy. What exactly are we to do with it and how is it painted on the canvas of how we are to reach the lost? Many  still do not comprehend how to function in this role. First, we must look at the word to understand its origin. Jealousy  comes from the Greek verb zeo, meaning…
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Get in the Word Daily Richard Cleary

As we complete this year’s reading cycle and begin a new one – here is a gentle but clear challenge, just because I love you. Ready? Here it is: Get in the Word – daily. Not just a few times a week–but daily. Not just when you feel like it–but daily. Not just when you…
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Reacquire Your Taste for the Spirit Benjamin Juster

A loss of taste has been reported by many as one of the strange side effects of the COVID-19 virus. A friend of mine related the story of how his daughter experienced an even more horrific effect—a long-covid condition  called parosmia caused all food to taste like rancid garbage, so much so that she wanted…
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Seven Ways Messianic Jews Fulfill their Irrevocable Calling – part 1 Ron Cantor

Most believers have no issue with the idea that the Jewish people were the chosen people of God in the Old Covenant  Scriptures. But what about today? What about the Jewish people who have embraced Yeshua? Are they part of what  Paul calls the “irrevocable call” in Romans 11:29? And, if so, what does that…
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Gospel Check Rebecca Cowen-Rikhi

Our great calling as believers in Yeshua is to preach the Gospel and make disciples of all nations. Sadly, in our current  day we are seeing a mass exodus from congregations and from the faith. Many times, we’d like to place the  responsibility upon those that are leaving, but I’d rather suggest that we look…
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You just get to show up! Hallell Schell

I don’t have to do anything. I just get to show up! This was a sentiment I recently expressed to a friend of mine in describing the season within which I find myself. I have lived many years of serving, ministering, pouring out—doing. And I love doing. I love to do for God, for the…
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A Deeper Understanding of the Fall Feasts of the Lord RabbI Michael Weiner

Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot are upon us. There is so much misunderstanding concerning these fall feasts both within the larger Jewish community and in the much narrower Messianic Jewish community. Most holidays celebrate or memorialize some historical event; something that has already  happened. For example — Pesach, Chanukah, Purim, and even Shavuot which…
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Getting the Schmutz Off Ben Juster

Many of us have had the unfortunate circumstance of stepping in dog-doo. As soon as you recognize that you’ve  stepped in it, the normal reaction is to sigh in frustration or to let slip some other colorful expletives. On the occasion it  has happened to me, I rush to take out the garden hose to…
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Come, Holy Spirit Daniel Juster

One of my privileges was to meet and spend  time with John Wimber, the founder of the Vineyard Network. He read a brochure from a conference I was a part of and actually had a word from God to reach out to me. This was quite  amazing! John Wimber was famous for revealing the reality…
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