In the Secret Place

In the Secret Place Brooke Allsbrook

Full disclosure up front, ready for it? In recent months, I have been increasingly aware of how challenging it has become to  quiet all my thoughts and just get into a still space with the Lord where nothing else matters. It’s the place where He does  what only He is designed to do, in the secret place, where He satisfies that deepest part of our hearts, that no living thing  can get to and no man-made thing can compete with it. This is so rich and so very good.

Why does the secret place matter so much?

Well, for starters you don’t have to be a believer to see that we are living in an era where most people would recognize  that there is something seriously wrong. The morals of many people are off the rails, and we are living in unprecedented  times. Our need to sit with the Lord, the ability to hear the Holy Spirit and the desire to be shepherded by His voice, is  really the only thing that will differentiate us from the world. But it’s more than that, if we are to become who we are truly designed to be, full and complete in Him, then entering into the secret place with Yeshua must be a regular practice in our lives.

Read the full article here: June ’23 Issue 22