Tikkun’s Best Kept Secret?

Tikkun’s Best Kept Secret? Jack Jacobs

My parents, Ben, and Shirley Jacobs were founding members of our synagogue in Bergen County, NJ, Temple Sinai.  However, the very first recollection I had, as a young boy in the 1950s, of attending services was in a beautiful  Presbyterian Church. Why? Our synagogue was in the process of being built and we needed a…
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God’s Rhythm Philip Snell

I recently took up lap swimming. I am a fine recreational swimmer, but I am not adept at swimming continuously for some distance. I must stop to catch my breath after swimming each length of the pool. Other swimmers glide gently through the  water, breathe with every few strokes, make the turn at the wall,…
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Planting Seeds Kathleen Rantz

Recently, the Lord put on my heart the issue of personal behavior and how we either emulate, or do not reflect God in our daily lives. Currently I volunteer at a ministry called C.H.E.C., (Christian Homeschool Education Center). It’s a place where parents  can bring their children to get help with homeschooling in a Godly…
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Awakening Your Prophetic Voice Brooke Allsbrook

It is evident that God talks to us; He wants to invade our souls. John 10:27 clearly states, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” He wants to pervade our thinking and permeate our entire being—body, mind, spirit and  soul. Yet so often we get stuck wondering if we…
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The Glory is Coming but Not the Way We Have Thought Grant Berry

The words glory, glorify, and glorified are mentioned nine times in John 17 and five times in the first five verses. Glory is  one of the main themes of Yeshua/Jesus’s prayer, His last prayer on the Earth before going to the cross, and His  subsequent resurrection that the Father’s Glory would be made known to…
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Prepare the Way for Adonai Adam Quito

Who exactly was John the Immerser? His story begins when his father Zechariah, a Levitical priest, was selected to burn incense in the Holy of Holies. While conducting this ministerial duty, he had an unexpected, divine encounter with the angel Gabriel who informed him that his barren wife, Elizabeth, would conceive and have a son.…
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The Beauty of Troubled Waters Glenn Blank

One night I walked down to a bridge in a park. The stream below was quite dark. Below the shadowy surface I could see nothing. Then the Ruach said, “I create darkness as well as form light. I create calamity as well as shalom. I create the  wilderness as well as green pastures. I even…
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Our Redeemer Juleon Akana

Yeshua’s preeminent status as the Word of God above and over creation (firstborn) is the missing piece to understanding the New Covenant scriptures against the backdrop of the Tanakh (Old Testament). This vital link shapes our understanding of the Bible and the way we speak about our Lord and Savior. When we share the Good…
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On All Flesh Benjamin Juster

The Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) is misunderstood. You may have witnessed strange manifestations of the spirit during  charismatic gatherings or on TV. Or you may have seen men or women who appear to operate in powerful gifts of healing,  prophecy, and deliverance, yet are later exposed to be living a life of sin and deception.…
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Lessons from Job Rabbi Michael Weiner

Job on Blamelessness As one begins studying the Book of Job (Iyov), they are immediately impacted with a moral concept which for most, if not all, seems to be a human impossibility. In the first verse of Job, we are reminded that Job is “blameless” where it states, There was a man in the land…
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