You are Not Alone!

You are Not Alone! James Kearney

A prayer for Israel What is going on with the current war between Israel and Hamas? Why does this vicious struggle generate chaos and strife worldwide? How can we as members of the body of Yeshua, both Jew and Gentile, not only better understand the  roots of this battle but also join in prayer to…
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Purple Curtains Glenn Blank

Make the Tabernacle with ten curtains of fine woven linen of blue, purple and scarlet, with cheruvim made by the work of  a skillful craftsman … Make a fine woven linen curtain of blue, purple and scarlet, with cheruvim…. The parokhet will divide  for you between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies ……
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Taking Responsibility For What Has Been Given Zachary Williams

Our congregation, “Remnant of Israel” in Wichita, KS has the rare blessing as a Messianic congregation of fully owning our  own building. It was built in the early 1950’s with a common vaulted architecture of the time, and it even still has a  “Fallout Shelter” sign on the outside of the building. A couple years…
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Power of Choice Benjamin Juster

Every day you face hundreds of choices. Many are seemingly insignificant, but others are life changing. Even trivial, inconsequential choices may end up causing tremendous harm in your life. Think about that extra helping of dessert.  Make that choice only once, it’s no problem. But make that choice repeatedly for multiple days, weeks, and months…
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Why the Jews? Paul Wilbur

The world as we know it has changed forever…again! There have been several events during my seventy-three years of life  on our little blue planet that have completely shifted the course of life here. I was born just a few months after the  mega-shift of 1948 and the rebirth of our nation, but I have…
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Congregational Planting Paul Blake

So, you’d like to see a Tikkun ministry planted in your city? Amen! The process of planting a congregation has been one of  the most rewarding experiences of my life. The relational breakthroughs were definite highlights—seeing people move  from stagnation to zeal, to develop their gifts, to receive a physical healing or be set free…
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Bearing Fruit that will Last Patricia Juster

Often, I reflect on the life of Paul and wonder what motivated him to keep on going with such zeal, even after being  beaten, stoned, or whipped. What really was behind the statement from Acts 20:24…… “I consider my life worth nothing  to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task…
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Life in the Messy Middle Morgan Krupinski

Messianic Judaism is a prophetic end-time movement birthed out of a larger revival known as the Jesus Revolution in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. Many Jewish people came to faith in Yeshua (Jesus) in a radical way during this time. Numerous leaders throughout the U.S., and later the world, were inspired by the Holy…
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Lead like a Gardener Benjamin Juster

The book Team of Teams by General Stanley McChrystal, explores the dynamics of leadership structures from his  experience during the post-Saddam Hussein Iraq and Afghanistan war. His conclusion is that once organizations have  developed a shared commitment and passion around a set of values and empowered its team members to take action  within defined margins…
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The Revelation of God and the Miraculous Daniel Juster

The older I get the clearer it becomes that the primary revelation of God is through the miraculous. It is not speculation  about the nature of the universe, time and eternity, first causes or other philosophical approaches. There are some such  verses in the Bible. Romans says that creation reveals God’s power and divine majesty,…
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