Restore Magazine




December (Tevet) 2023

It is the Hebrew month of Tevet. With only a few more days left of Chanukah, we are reminded of God’s faithfulness and that the light of our joy increases through time with Him. Tevet is also the month that traditionally marks the month that Esther (Hadassah) came before King Achashverosh, eventually becoming the queen of Persia and rescuing her people from mass genocide. It is timely to consider how time and again when things seem bleakest, God breaks through to preserve and defend His children. 

This month’s magazine addresses the kinds of people we are to be in the midst of shaking and upheaval. Also within, what does “Am Yisrael Chai” really mean, and how can we apply this reality to build our faith? Other articles include reflections on the times in which we are living, wrestling with God, and praying with authority. May you be encouraged and strengthened as you read. Let the Ruach speak to you and help you to apply what He reveals to you.

November (Kislev) 2023

We are entering the month of Kislev. It is the month in which we commemorate the miraculous overthrow of the Seleucid Empire in the 2nd century BC and subsequent recapturing and rededication of the Temple. Though it is not one of the moedim (appointed times) given to the Jewish people in Scripture, it is a story of good triumphing over evil and a testimony of God’s continued faithfulness to the people of Israel. I can think of no better month to pray for a breakthrough in this current war and for God’s miraculous provision and protection. May God raise His right Hand to strengthen and guide the people of Israel! 

October (Cheshvan) 2023

Israel is at war. It has been 50 years since Israel has faced military engagement on this scale and has not experienced such loss of civilian lives since the Holocaust. Our hearts are broken and we are grieving. Yet, we cast all of our hope upon Adonai. “I will lift up my eyes to the mountains— from where does my help come? My help comes from Adonai, Maker of heaven and earth.” -‭‭Psalms‬ ‭121‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭TLV‬‬

Among the articles in this month’s magazine, we have reflections on hope, being delivered from evil by putting on the full armor of God, and the unfailing power of God’s promises. Though there is pain, we confidently put our trust in God that he will deliver His people as in days of old. We stand strong upon the rock that cannot be shaken.

September (Tishrei) 2023

The month of Tishrei is the Hebrew month with the Holy Days of Yom Teruah (the Day of Trumpets) and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). It is a season of intentional introspection, self-evaluation, and preparation. Our magazine this month contains articles to assist in your spiritual reflection, attuning yourself to the Holy Spirit’s conviction so that you might become more and more like Yeshua. May our Heavenly Father pour out abundant grace for you to engage in the fruitful work of repentance and the joy of assurance that your names are written in the Lamb’s book of life!

August (Elul) 2023

We are entering the month Elul, the month preceding the High Holidays of Yom Teruah (Day of Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) and Sukkot (Festival of Booths). It is a month of preparation and introspection. This issue has wonderful articles to increase your focus to nurture intimacy with Adonai. We hope you find them enriching!

July (Av) 2023

This month, the RESTORE Magazine was printed for the first time and made available at the Tikkun America conference this past June! In case you missed it, here it is digitally for your edification. We have hand-selected impactful articles that were submitted over the past year that we believe represent Tikkun at its finest. We hope you will find them as enriching as much as we do.

June (Tamuz) 2023

This month, the RESTORE Magazine features articles from the speakers from the Tikkun America RESTORE Conferences. The theme of this year’s conference is “Hineni,” meaning “Here I Am.” Articles in this issue will introduce or expand upon the concepts from the keynote presentations at the conference.

May 2 (Sivan) 2023

Today we begin the month of Sivan, the month where we complete the 49 days of the counting of the omer and celebrate both the giving of the Torah and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  

Our magazine articles this month have a theme of growing in intimacy with the Father and fulfilling God’s purpose through the empowerment of His grace. 

May (Iyyar) 2023

We are now entering the month of Iyyar, the second month of the Biblical calendar. We are also in the midst of the counting of the Omer, the 49-day period between Passover and Shavuot that is often used for daily prayer, reflection and preparation. 

This month, we have articles that will help you develop a transformed life in the Kingdom of God, with focuses on identity, moving in the Spirit’s power, centering our focus on God, allowing God to cultivate and shape you, and strengthening the foundations of prayer. May the season of spring (for those in the northern hemisphere that is) be a season of growth and abundance for you spiritually. 

April (Nisan) 2023

The first of Nisan is actually the biblical New Year (Exodus 12:2). That makes Nisan the first month in the Hebrew calendar and the month that starts the annual cycle of biblical feasts and festivals. It is a powerful concept — God’s redemption of the Hebrew people from slavery serves as the moment that marks the start of the New Year. It is a fresh start, full of anticipation of healing, restoration, and promise. 

So, as we consider the start of Passover and reflect on redemption, may you also remember your own release from the bondage of sin. God has set you free! Let this month be one where you recall Adonai’s faithfulness in a fresh and intentional way. Inside this month’s magazine are several articles to help you do just that. 

March (Adar) 2023

It is the Hebrew month of Adar and another time to celebrate Purim and the miraculous preservation of the Jewish people and a powerful victory over evil. Throughout history, Adonai chooses willing individuals who are obedient to intercede and serve as agents of redemption. Where would we be without the simple, yet fully dedicated Esther’s, Mordecai’s, Daniel’s, and Nehemiah’s? 

The magazine this month contains articles that will strengthen your foundations in prayer, perseverance, and passion for the Lord. May you live simply and devotedly like the heroes of faith in the Scriptures!

February (Sh’vat) 2023

Sh’vat is the eleventh month of the biblical calendar. It is best known for the holiday of Tu B’shevat, the new year for trees. Through the magazine this month, find the pathways to genuine joy through an attitude of gratefulness. Build your faith to pray for big things because prayer is powerful to bring change. 

Cling tightly to Yeshua the Bridegroom, and learn to live in and from the Kingdom as you learn to love the rest of the body and get past offenses. Let us all be encouraged to zealously pursue the salvation of Israel through prayer and testimony. May God empower you to reach the Jewish people and introduce them to Messiah!

January (Tevet) 2023

This month of Tevet is the third month of the Jewish civil year, but the tenth month for the biblical calendar. It begins as the final days of Chanukah come to a close. This year, of course, Tevet will straddle the New Year for the Gregorian Calendar. So it is a month of both endings and new beginnings. In Israel, it is a cool and rainy season, but will soon transition to the vibrant blooms of spring. 

This month, the magazine presents articles of inspiration and hope to help you reflect on closing out the year. But also exhortations to look ahead to the tremendous opportunities in our life with Adonai.

December (Kislev) 2022

This is the month of Kislev, typically known for the holiday of Chanukah. Light triumphs over darkness!

The magazine articles include an exhortation to strengthen your devotional imagination, growing in our trust for Adonai, and comparing two types of leaders. It is rounded out by a call to be continually filled by the Ruach HaKodesh and then to content for a Restorationist Messianic Judaism. 

November (Cheshvan) 2022

With the Fall Biblical Holidays now behind us and the Torah completing its cycle for 5782, we now enter a season of reset, with about 6 months before we commence with the Spring Feasts and Holidays. 
This month’s magazine coincidentally is framed by the themes of going deeper with the Lord and being strengthened in our character and spirit. The articles will guide you into the kind of life that represents the Father well in the earth and provokes others to healthy jealousy for relationship with Him—to the Jew first and also to the Nations.

October (Tishrei) 2022

This month, the magazine presents several articles that draw us into the meaning and application of the Holy Days. Also included is an encouragement about showing up and being present with God and with others in community, our calling as we live out the Gospel with purpose, and the irrevocable calling for the Messianic Jewish people.

September (Elul) 2022

It’s the month of preparation leading up to the High Holidays. In this issue, learn about the defining moments of our walk with Yeshua, delve deeper into healing and reconciliation among Adonai’s family, and explore how to pursue greatness in the Kingdom of God in a healthy way.

August (Av) 2022

Our 12th Issue! It is the fifth month of the Biblical calendar (five months after Nissan), and only two months before the High Holiday season.  Part II and the conclusion of the series on the Power of Blessing. Learn how to participate in Rebuilding Love and Unity in the Church.  Our guest Israel author speaks about Heart Check about how to hunger and thirst for righteousness. Finally, increase your competency in Processing the Prophetic and Listening to the Holy Spirit.

July (Tamuz) 2022

It’s the tenth month of the civil year and the fourth month of the biblical calendar. Inside: Part I of a two part series about the Power of Blessing. Then delve into what it means by Having  the Mind of Messiah. But By My Spirit is an article about standing firm in love and power for the Last Days. A complimentary article teaches about Standing In the Midst of Shaking. Finally, what is a Luke 4:18 Church? What if this passage really was the Priority of the Church?

June (Sivan) 2022

It’s our Shavuot edition! Do you still have a passion for one of the greatest promises in all of Scripture? Learn more inside. Also inside is the second article in a series on intercession. And explore a testimony and encouragement for why stability is important for children and families. You don’t want to miss the article about ordaining women as shamashot (deaconesses) as well as an exhortation to abide by the “third greatest commandment” of the New Covenant.

May (Iyyar) 2022

Have some friends that are doubting the existence of God? The lead article provides a helpful perspective. Also inside: Insights on moving from prayer to intercession; a clear presentation of the Gospel of the Kingdom; an evaluation of the relationship with your first love; and an exhortation about building community with a healthy eldership.

April (Nisan) 2022

It’s the Biblical New Year and the month where we kick off the Spring Feasts.  Inside: Learn why weeding can bring about happiness. Or explore ways to apply the Passover story in your life today. Also included are articles about suffering and God’s justice and mercy, walking with God in the Kingdom, and growing in our evangelism effectiveness with the Jewish people.

March (Adar II) 2022

Inside: Find out when the Kingdom of God grows fastest. Also, Rabbi Michael Weiner reflects on the amazing victory story of Purim; Part 2 of Jonathan Moore’s (elder at Ahavat Yeshua Congregation in Israel) series on dating, relationships and marriage. Grant Berry, of Reconnecting Ministries, writes a stirring article about the shared destiny of Jews and the Nations for Messiah’s glory. Finally, Rabbi Glenn Blank of Beit Simcha in Allentown, PA pens some thoughts about joy and an encouraging dream about God’s goodness.

February (Adar I) 2022

Excellent equipping resources are available for you and diverse audience of our Messianic family. This month, for example, we have articles on leadership, spiritual warfare, romantic relationships, Sephardic Judaism, and discipling children.

January (Sh’vat) 2022

Fresh start to the new year with a focus on building authentic friendships.  Exhortation to seek God for a demonstration of His power, not only a declaration of what He has done and could do. Other articles include: “Face to Face” about building deeper intimacy with the Father; an apostolic exhortation addressing the loss of the young adult generation; and the inside look at a conversation with God in  “Is It Enough”.

December (Tevet) 2021

Wouldn’t you like to overcome life’s drudgery? Find out how inside. Also inside: explore how to build a consistent habit of evangelism as a lifestyle;  Part II of “Yeshua’s Mutual Mandate” about God’s plan for Israel and the Nations;  a call to live authentically in discipleship and community, and reflections on Psalm 81.

November (Kislev) 2021

It’s the month of Chanukah! Reflect on dedication and what it means for you! Learn to avoid information intoxication. Also inside: “Good News for Jews” encourages evangelism, “Yeshua’s Mutual Mandate” – part I of a 2 part series on Israel and the Nations, beautiful original artwork, and an update about Aliyah from one of the Israeli congregational leaders.

October (Cheshvan) 2021

The second issue of our new digital magazine. Inside, learn about the path from pain to power, victoriously overcoming adversity. Also contains a prophetic exhortation for this season, some foundations for biblical counseling, testimony about life in Israel and original Messianic artwork.

September (Tishrei) 2021

The inaugural issue of the Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine.  Released on Rosh Chodesh of each Hebrew month, this magazine is purposed to provide resources for equipping and growth for your life in the Kingdom. It is multigenerational, with perspectives and exhortations from a diverse range of voices. This month contains reflections about the Fall Feasts and Holidays, as well as life within a Messianic Community.