And the War Continues

And the War Continues Jackie Santoro

Day 163 of the War. Anti-semitism is increasing dramatically and the world is seeing Israel as the cruel oppressor. Several countries are threatening sanctions against weapons sales to Israel if they go into Rafah, the last Hamas stronghold in Gaza and where the IDF believes the hostages are being held. The international community doesn’t want…
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And the War Continues Jackie Santoro

Day 112 of the war and the dark cloud of mourning and grieving over this nation grows ever larger. One of the more tragic events took place a few days ago as 21 young reservist soldiers were killed when the building they were preparing for detonation was fired upon by terrorists, causing an explosion and…
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Happy New Year 5784! Jackie Santoro

Honey and pomegranates, dried fruit and all kinds of presents for the kitchen are flooding the stores as Israel enters into the Feasts of Tishri which began two Friday nights ago with Rosh Hashanah. Traditionally, the nation celebrates this day as the start of the New Year, 5784. It is a very happy few days…
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Good News for Jews Aaron Allsbrook

Good news has to be good. We’ve all heard of some of these: “I got accepted to college!” “I just got engaged!” “I’m pregnant!” “I got the job!” These are “good news” because they are things we wanted—really, really wanted—and receiving them brought us great joy to receive them. It also brings us joy to…
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