On All Flesh

On All Flesh Benjamin Juster

The Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) is misunderstood. You may have witnessed strange manifestations of the spirit during  charismatic gatherings or on TV. Or you may have seen men or women who appear to operate in powerful gifts of healing,  prophecy, and deliverance, yet are later exposed to be living a life of sin and deception.…
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The Upper Room Discourse 79 Rabbi Michael Weiner

John 17:17 Make them holy in the truth. Your word is truth. There is a lot of mention here (in Yeshua’s prayer) of “them.” To whom is Yeshua referring? Let’s look back and see. Yeshua’s prayer begins in John 17:1, and continues for the entire chapter. Yeshua prays to the Father throughout. He starts by…
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