The Fall Feasts

The Fall Feasts Rabbi Michael Weiner

Tekiah! The first blast of the Shofar sounds on the Feast of Trumpets, Rosh Hashanah. What follows are 23 action-packed days, the details of which are described in the final verses of Leviticus 23. From that first Tekiah blast, we hear the call to  an assembly, the reality of which we have not yet seen. So it is with all of the fall commanded gatherings of the Lord, pointing to future realities not yet experienced.

All the feasts, whether it be the spring feasts or those in the fall are given by God as “appointed times” and appointed gatherings and assemblies which peppers the year as we mark these times according to God’s plan for eternity. The spring  feasts honor the events that have already taken place during the first coming of Yeshua, while the fall feasts signify  events only prophesied, but have not yet been fulfilled. They will be fulfilled at the second coming of Yeshua.

Read the full article here: October ’23 Issue 25