Tikkun’s Best Kept Secret?

Tikkun’s Best Kept Secret? Jack Jacobs

My parents, Ben, and Shirley Jacobs were founding members of our synagogue in Bergen County, NJ, Temple Sinai.  However, the very first recollection I had, as a young boy in the 1950s, of attending services was in a beautiful  Presbyterian Church. Why? Our synagogue was in the process of being built and we needed a…
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Messiah’s Mutual Mandate – Part 2 Jack Jacobs

What is Messiah’s Mutual Mandate? In Part One I used the term “Messiah’s Mutual Mandate” to describe the biblical mandate God has given Israel to be a blessing to the nations (Genesis 12:3). Likewise, God has provided the Gentile church a biblical calling to bless Israel and the Jewish people (Romans 11:11, Romans 15:27). I…
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Messiah’s Mutual Mandate – Part 1 Jack Jacobs

In the last forty years that my wife, Kate, and I have been blessed to serve in the same Messianic congregation (Beth Am Messiah) in New City, NY. Much has changed locally and in other parts of the country regarding our relationship with the Church. Reflecting on the history of Messianic believers reveals a nearly…
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