Behaviour Matters

Behaviour Matters Kat Rantz

Children, what you should do in union with the Lord is obey your parents, for this is right.  “Honor your father and mother” — this is the first commandment that embodies a promise — “ – (Ephesians 6:2-3, Complete Jewish Bible)

I used to think that honoring our parents meant doing as we were told, and that when we became adults, it no longer applied.  To me, this verse was just for children.  When we become adults, we leave home, so why would we have to continue to obey our parents? Because, when we become adults and go out into the world, we need to reflect that our parents taught us well.  Obeying them as children, conveys to how we behave later in life.  How we dress, how we speak, and how we relate to one another matters.  Everything we do reflects on our parents, and whether we had good parents or not, we should represent them well.  When others look upon us, they should be able to say we have good parents. So it goes with Adonai, our Father in Heaven.  We are a reflection of the Lord, and as believers in Yeshua, we need to represent Him well, not only within our congregation’s, but also in our everyday lives.  There’s an acronym made from the word B.I.B.L.E.  It is “Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth.”  The Bible is full of instruction on how we are to lead our lives.  We need to be in the Word every day, studying it, learning from it, and applying it to our lives.  When we go about our daily business, let those that look upon us say that we have a great Father.

Be a Blessing and Be Blessed!