Beth Am Messiah

Beth Am Messiah

We, the people of Beth Am Messiah, are a messianic community committed to the furtherance of the Kingdom of G-d by growing together in the grace and knowledge of our L-rd and Savior, Yeshua Ha Mashiach.

Senior Leader:
Aaron Mendez
Rabbi Emeritus:
53 Maple Ave., New City, NY 10956
(845) 638-2921
Office Hours:
9:00am – 5:30pm
10:00am Saturday

We purpose, with the power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, to share the life changing message of Yeshua’s atonement firstly with the Jewish people (Romans 1:16), to integrate with our local Jewish communities, serve the local church regarding their Jewish roots and impact our world with acts of G-d’s saving love.

Beth Am Messiah has developed strong bonds of unity with the local churches of Rockland County, NY, and organizes a yearly celebration, with more than ten local churches participating in a local mall event, to recognize the birth of Yeshua and the festival of Hanukkah. Last year was the fifth year of the “Reason for the Season” event at the mall and it continues to be a very fruitful time of ministry. The “Becoming One” Bible Study (available through is an outgrowth of the blessed relationships with our nearby churches.

Pray for the peace of the Jerusalem; those who love you shall be blessed. Psalm 122:6