Jack & Kate

Jack & Kate

Rabbi Emeritus of Beth Am Messiah

Embracing his calling as Congregational Leader of Beth Am Messiah, Jack moved forward with a godly mandate to diligently pursue the building of long-term relationships with the local churches. Since then, God has greatly blessed the bond of unity between Beth Am Messiah and the local churches. The wonderful fruit of this unity is what motivated him to want to write the “Becoming One Bible Study”. Jack and Kate have a heart’s desire to facilitate the coming together of Jew and Gentile in the “one new man” throughout the world; wherever there are local messianic congregations and churches.

Among Jack’s greatest blessings were seeing his mother, father and brother come to faith in Yeshua HaMashiach; they have since all gone home to be with the Lord. Jack’s wife, Kate, and their four children (Caitlin, Dan, Sarah and Ariel), along with Ruben and Casey, their son-in-law and daughter-in-law, all have Messiah Yeshua in their hearts, and, his two little granddaughters (Noelia and Claire), are his most precious blessings.

  • Jack currently serves as the Rabbi Emeritus of Beth Am Messiah in New City, NY.
  • Jack was a former school teacher and began a computer ergonomics business in 1981 and co-founded two other successful businesses shortly thereafter (SoftwareHouse and Applied Systems Technology).
  • During his twenty-five years in business, Jack actively served in the local Messianic congregation.
  • Jack began sensing God’s call to serve in full-time ministry (at the same Congregation where he attended and was serving as an elder) around 2003 and left the business world behind.

Serving Tikkun America:
Member,Tikkun America Apostolic Team