Dreams of Joy in Pennsylvania

Dreams of Joy in Pennsylvania Glenn Blank

I have been reading a book, The Other Half of the Church, recommended to me by both Dan and Ben Juster who urged the American Apostolic Team (AAT) to read it.

In this text, the author reminds us that God our Father “… [has] designed our brains to run on joy, the way a car runs on fuel.

As we go through our day, our right brains are scanning our surroundings, looking for people who are happy to be with us.” (p. 54)—people who will share our joy.

Yet, even when it may seem that individuals aren’t always available, we must remember that there is always One who sticks closer to you, who will always listen as you share your joys, with delight and thanksgiving.

We need to listen to Him.

You do not need to suffer alone, yet we share your suffering with Messiah so that we may also share in His glory! This is much better! We really do share in glory when you share in His suffering. (Romans 8:17) For you do not suffer alone, but in unity with the Messiah. Rejoice and be glad!

Read the full article here: March ’22 Issue 7