First Things First

First Things First Tzofiya Rogers

The following is a prophetic word from Tzofiya Rogers, one of our Tikkun leaders and co-leader at “As You Go Ministries.” Here Tzofiya shares an exhortation she sensed the Ruach had given her for the Body of Messiah and specifically to our Tikkun America family, friends and ministry partners.

I hear the Lord saying, “First Things First”

He wants us to return and focus on the foundations of our faith.

  • The foundations of the simplicity of the gospel message both in teaching and evangelism.
  • To consider the eternal state of a person and first offer the message of salvation.
  • To encourage one another to share the good news and to offer a call for salvation in our meetings and services.

“ First things first. ”

Next, there is the foundation of repentance that needs to be modeled and taught. Repentance before accepting Yeshua and before water immersion, modeled by those of us who lead, being humble and able to repent openly before others when needed.

Read the full article here: October ’21 Issue 2