
Hineni Benjamin Juster

This month, the RESTORE Magazine features articles from the speakers from the Tikkun America RESTORE Conferences. The theme of this year’s conference is “Hineni,” meaning “Here I Am.” Articles in this issue will introduce or expand upon  the concepts from the keynote presentations at the conference.

In the Torah, there are eight times that this Hebrew phrase “Hineni” is used. An evaluation of the people and circumstances that used the phrase reveals much about faith and our walk with God in the Kingdom. Making ourselves  available to God requires faith. We will look specifically at the examples of Abraham, Moses, and Isaiah.

Blind Faith With Ultimate Obedience

Abraham makes the declaration three times during the story recounting the binding of his son Isaac in Genesis 22. Each time Adonai addressed  Abraham, He issued increasingly more challenging instructions. Each time, Abraham responded with deeper faith, “Hineni,” without full understanding of the plan or guarantee of the outcome. Hebrews 11:8 says that Abraham, “… went out, not knowing where he was going.” He didn’t question. He simply trusted God and obeyed.

Read the full article here: July ’23 Issue 23