The Highway to Holiness is the Low-Way of Humility

The Highway to Holiness is the Low-Way of Humility

Humility towards God Perhaps you haven’t heard about the book, How I Achieved Humility By Age Twenty-three — it didn’t do very well. The story is told of the senior leader of a congregation who after many years of faithful service was awarded an intricately engraved gold pin for his humility. The next week, he…
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On All Flesh Benjamin Juster

The Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) is misunderstood. You may have witnessed strange manifestations of the spirit during  charismatic gatherings or on TV. Or you may have seen men or women who appear to operate in powerful gifts of healing,  prophecy, and deliverance, yet are later exposed to be living a life of sin and deception.…
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Remember: You Were a Slave Benjamin Juster

Passover commemorates the Exodus of the Hebrews from Egyptian bondage, which has contributed more to shaping the Jewish story than perhaps any other event in history. Those who know me, often think of me as socially confident and self-assured. Yet, I remember the shame and humiliation of bursting into tears during my 9th grade history…
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Power of Choice Benjamin Juster

Every day you face hundreds of choices. Many are seemingly insignificant, but others are life changing. Even trivial, inconsequential choices may end up causing tremendous harm in your life. Think about that extra helping of dessert.  Make that choice only once, it’s no problem. But make that choice repeatedly for multiple days, weeks, and months…
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Lead like a Gardener Benjamin Juster

The book Team of Teams by General Stanley McChrystal, explores the dynamics of leadership structures from his  experience during the post-Saddam Hussein Iraq and Afghanistan war. His conclusion is that once organizations have  developed a shared commitment and passion around a set of values and empowered its team members to take action  within defined margins…
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What Kind of People are You to be? (Pt 2) Benjamin Juster

Last month, I opened this short series on “What Kind of People You Are to Be?”. It is crucial to understand the times that we are living in and to regain a sense of urgency in preparation for Yeshua’s return. Part I listed several key indicators that  we have entered the final stages of human…
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What Kind of People Are You To Be? Benjamin Juster

Yeshua is coming soon! Do not lose the longing for His return. In my travels, I’ve recognized a growing doubt and confusion about the literal return of Yeshua to Jerusalem to set up His Kingdom on earth. Though there is a residual hope,  the assurance of Yeshua’s return has waned. Because there is not a…
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Renewing Passion Ben Juster

Passion is one of the most important keys to a healthy growth in the Lord and as a disciple of the Kingdom. It is essential for both leadership and ministry. Passion is an intense desire or enthusiasm for something. Enthusiasm is intense or eager enjoyment, interest, or approval  of a pursuit. Unrestrained passion without purpose…
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Hope That Doesn’t Disappoint Benjamin Juster

How many optimists do we have here? When you have a bad day, do you typically feel like things will turn around to get  better? Or do you tend to fall into a state of despair and hopelessness? I’ve had some very, very bad days. Even though I consider myself an optimist, there are some…
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Course Corrections Benjamin Juster

In my 20s, I earned my private pilot license for small, single engine airplanes. There is not much that I’ve experienced in life  that compares to the freedom of lifting off from a long stretch of runway, climbing above the tree lined horizon, and  into the expansive sky. The landscape shifts and perspective changes. Mountains,…
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