Hope That Doesn’t Disappoint

Hope That Doesn’t Disappoint Benjamin Juster

How many optimists do we have here? When you have a bad day, do you typically feel like things will turn around to get  better? Or do you tend to fall into a state of despair and hopelessness?

I’ve had some very, very bad days. Even though I consider myself an optimist, there are some days when I don’t know whether or not the circumstances will change for the better. I hope things will get better, but if I am honest with myself, many times in my life I have lost hope.

Have you lost hope before?

Think about those times when you have sunk into despair. It is a scary and devastating state. Maybe some of you right now  are going through situations that are challenging your ability to have any hope that they will improve.

Read the full article here: October ’23 Issue 25