Preparing for your “Hineni”

Preparing for your “Hineni” Simcha Moore

I grew up going to Tikkun Conferences, it always felt like a big family reunion for me. I loved the euphoric feeling of freedom getting to run from place to place on my own schedule. Back then there were no cell phones, we just chose a time  and place to meet. One of the highlights I remember was the kids program, Super Kid Academy. I loved it and always  wanted to get “The Super Kid ” prize. Despite my best efforts, I never won. Looking back, I can see how even through NOT  winning, God was preparing me to be seen only by Him, and in turn Him to be the only one to ever get the glory through  me. My Hineni story was just beginning.

When I was 14-years old, my life was suddenly turned upside down when my  younger brother tragically died in a house fire. I had to re-find myself, and I truly became dependent on the Lord. What followed was a life full of “Hineni’s.” Here I am! Mostly, I cried Hineni out of desperation. I thought to myself, “I have already experienced so much pain, I am ready for my life to count for something.” I was desperate to see change, and I was desperate for God.

Read the full article here: July ’23 Issue 23