“Hineni” When It Matters Most

“Hineni” When It Matters Most Troy Wallace

Across the Scriptures, the heroes of Israel respond to the God of Israel with the cry ‫הנני‬ “Hineni – Here I am” in critical  moments of their lives. Abraham at the ‫עקידת‬ Akedah (the binding of Isaac), Samuel in the Tabernacle in service to Eli, and  Isaiah in response to seeing the Lord Himself high…
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Preparing for your “Hineni” Simcha Moore

I grew up going to Tikkun Conferences, it always felt like a big family reunion for me. I loved the euphoric feeling of freedom getting to run from place to place on my own schedule. Back then there were no cell phones, we just chose a time  and place to meet. One of the highlights…
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