The Highway to Holiness is the Low-Way of Humility

The Highway to Holiness is the Low-Way of Humility

Humility towards God Perhaps you haven’t heard about the book, How I Achieved Humility By Age Twenty-three — it didn’t do very well. The story is told of the senior leader of a congregation who after many years of faithful service was awarded an intricately engraved gold pin for his humility. The next week, he…
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The Upper Room Discourse 81 Rabbi Michael Weiner

John 17:19 And for their sakes I make Myself holy, so that they also may be made holy in truth. Now Yeshua’s prayer turns to holiness. Holiness is an interesting commodity. It can be challenging to our intellect. No one ever went to the store for a pound of holiness. The Hebrew word for “holy”…
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Polishing Your Neighbour’s Shoes Mark Rantz

In our culture today, humility is a word which is often not spoken, or a characteristic rarely seen. Where Ya’akov (James)  4:10 exhorts, “Humble [ourselves] in the sight of Adonai, and He shall lift you up,” (TLV), the world generally responds with  silence. Within the still world and even many churches, humility is a posture…
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Be a Prism Ben Juster

As we conclude the season of light and clean up from all of the festive community celebrations, family gatherings, and joyful songs, I consider how important it is that we continue to evaluate our effectiveness of reflecting the light of God to the world. Of course, Yeshua proclaimed, “I am the light of the world.…
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A Call to Holiness Rabbi Michael Weiner

A Call to Holiness We all have a calling on our lives to holiness. The Hebrew word for “holy” is Kadosh. It means to be separate, distinctive or apart. Apart from what? Apart from an evil world. God’s people blend in too much with the rest of society. We want to be accepted, but God…
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