Polishing Your Neighbour’s Shoes

Polishing Your Neighbour’s Shoes Mark Rantz

In our culture today, humility is a word which is often not spoken, or a characteristic rarely seen. Where Ya’akov (James)  4:10 exhorts, “Humble [ourselves] in the sight of Adonai, and He shall lift you up,” (TLV), the world generally responds with  silence. Within the still world and even many churches, humility is a posture less traveled and even less honored in our post-biblical society. Where humility was once held in the highest esteem, today, our culture in and outside of the Body  tends to value “self” over service and “identity” over holiness.

Counter to what we see, in the late 1800’s we find a different example in D.L. Moody, one of the great evangelists and revivalists of the day and at the time, the leader of renowned Bible Conferences in Northfield, Massachusetts. At the time,  these conferences drew hungry leaders from around the world in hopes of being discipled and equipped for the  work of the Kingdom. One year a large group of pastors from Europe arrived for the annual event and were given rooms  at the dormitory of the Bible College. As was their “custom,” the European men all placed their shoes outside their rooms  expecting that they would be finely polished and cleaned by “servants” during the night for the following day.

Read the full article here: June ’23 Issue 22