Romans part 1 – We Minister His Message

Romans part 1 – We Minister His Message Rabbi Michael Weiner

Romans 1:1-2 Paul, a slave of Messiah Yeshua, called to be an emissary and set apart for the Good News of God, which He announced beforehand through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures. Let’s start with the name. Paul is a Latin version of Saul, which is an English version of Shaul. The Messianic version…
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The Upper Room Discourse 82 Rabbi Michael Weiner

John 17:20 I pray not on behalf of these only, but also for those who believe in Me through their message. I’m glad to get to this verse because it is inclusive. Yeshua is praying to the Father, and tells Him that His prayer for holiness (John 17:17 Make them holy in the truth. Your…
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Was Yeshua Successful? Part 6 Rabbi Michael Weiner

We started this series a few weeks ago and have had the first five parts to date. Today we start a new phase. So far we have “set the table” with discussions of some foundational issues. Yet the question remains, “Was Yeshua successful?” Our original proposition was to offer four of the many possible purposes…
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A Prophet as a Prophet Benjamin Juster

My mind started to shut down, and my eyes glazed over as if a thick fog had settled over me. The person on the stage  was speaking, but I wasn’t engaged any more to receive what the person was saying. I know the reason why. I had pre-judged this person as too melodramatic and self-important…
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Good News for Jews Aaron Allsbrook

Good news has to be good. We’ve all heard of some of these: “I got accepted to college!” “I just got engaged!” “I’m pregnant!” “I got the job!” These are “good news” because they are things we wanted—really, really wanted—and receiving them brought us great joy to receive them. It also brings us joy to…
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