The Upper Room Discourse 100

The Upper Room Discourse 100 Rabbi Michael Weiner

Summary, part 5 of 5 – John, Chapter 17 Chapter 17 contains Yeshua’s impassioned prayer to the Father. It is the middle of the night and He is only moments from His betrayal by the hands of Judas. While John 17 contains the fullness of Yeshua’s prayer, Luke 22 sets the scene in detail. Yeshua…
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The Upper Room Discourse 99 Rabbi Michael Weiner

Summary, part 4 of 5 – John, Chapter 16 Here, in John 16, Yeshua closes off His time of teaching (speaking substantially with) His disciples, focusing on the significance of His death and resurrection. He is preparing the disciples for what is about to happen. Yeshua knows the disciples are grief stricken over what He…
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The Upper Room Discourse 97 Rabbi Michael Weiner

Summary, part 2 of 5 – John, Chapter 14 There are 31 verses in John 14, and each one of them is worthy of our attention. That’s why I wrote so extensively about them. Picking a favorite is like picking your favorite child. It just can’t be done. They are each special in their own…
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The Upper Room Discourse 96 Rabbi Michael Weiner

Rabbi Trail: It came to me last night, while I was sleeping, that there are five more pieces to write on the Upper Room Discourse. I want to make them a collective summary. It also came to me that there are five chapters in the URD, so today we will summarize John, Chapter 13. End…
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The Upper Room Discourse 94 Rabbi Michael Weiner

John 17:24 Father, I also want those You have given Me to be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory – the glory You gave Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world. The glory of Yeshua is a reflection of His Father’s love, and He wants…
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The Upper Room Discourse 93 Rabbi Michael Weiner

John 17:24a Father, I also want those You have given Me to be with Me. There it is, Yeshua’s words, “… to be with me.” We started to break it down yesterday. What does it mean to “be” with Yeshua? Let’s pause for a moment. How did this even get into Yeshua’s prayer? Is there…
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The Upper Room Discourse 92 Rabbi Michael Weiner

John 17:24a Father, I also want those You have given Me to be with Me. Yeshua’s prayer expresses His earnest desire that we (as Yeshua says, “those You have given Me”) would be with Him. We talk, pray and meditate about being with the Lord, but, what does it really mean? Have we laid hold…
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The Upper Room Discourse 91 Rabbi Michael Weiner

John 17:24a Father, I also want those You have given Me to be with Me. How unfortunate! As we approach the end of Yeshua’s prayer, it would be easy to miss His passion, if all we do is read a few of His recorded words. Yeshua continues to address His Father (our God) with the…
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The Upper Room Discourse 90 Rabbi Michael Weiner

John 17:23 I in them and You in Me – that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me and loved them as You loved Me. There is nothing new in this part of Yeshua’s prayer. It is all a reiteration of previously mentioned themes, in four…
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The Upper Room Discourse 89 Rabbi Michael Weiner

John 17:22 The glory that You have given to Me I have given to them, that they may be one just as We are one – This is the third time I’m writing  about this subject verse. Rabbi Trail: I love it when the Lord wakes me up with thoughts of the next piece. That…
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