The Upper Room Discourse 90

The Upper Room Discourse 90 Rabbi Michael Weiner

John 17:23 I in them and You in Me – that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me and loved them as You loved Me.

There is nothing new in this part of Yeshua’s prayer. It is all a reiteration of previously mentioned themes, in four parts with three protagonists, Father, Son and disciples. John 14:20 In that day, you will know that I am in My Father, you are in Me, and I am in you. Let’s dive into the four parts.

Part 1. John 17:23a I in them and You in Me … All three (Father, Son, and disciples) are mentioned in this first phrase. The Son is mentioned twice. To have Yeshua in us is to be under divine command. Colossians 1:27b Messiah in you, the hope of glory! Now that’s real inclusiveness.

Part 2. John 17:23b … that they may be perfected in unity … Delitzsch translates the phrase “perfected in unity” from Greek into Hebrew as Mushlamim L’Echad (meaning completed unto oneness). That “oneness” or “unity” is being made one with Yeshua. 1 Corinthians 6:17 But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him. It’s a heart “thang” that requires being like Him in holiness. We are one with Yeshua and with each other.

Part 3. John 17:23c … so that the world may know that You sent Me … The world will know Yeshua has been sent by seeing the the testimony of Yeshua’s presence in the lives of those who follow Him. Isaiah 43:10-11 You are My witnesses – it is a declaration of Adonai – and My Servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He. Before Me no God was formed, and there will none after Me. I, I am Adonai – and there is no savior beside Me.

Part 4. John 17:23d … and loved them as You loved Me … God’s love always involves discipline. Hebrews 12:6a Because Adonai disciplines the one He loves. Discipline and disciple are connected etymologically. The Lord is building an army of those who love Him. This is an army that will stand and fight in the day of battle. Ephesians 6:13b and after you have done everything, to stand firm.

This is real inclusiveness. We are included into God’s intimate family. The world is crying out for inclusiveness, but when the world says it, it means inclusiveness of sin. God says, “No” to sin, but “Yes” to you, if you love Him and keep His commandments. John 14:15 If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. Yeshua is praying to His (our) Father, and He wants us to hear and obey.