The Glory is Coming but Not the Way We Have Thought

The Glory is Coming but Not the Way We Have Thought Grant Berry

The words glory, glorify, and glorified are mentioned nine times in John 17 and five times in the first five verses. Glory is  one of the main themes of Yeshua/Jesus’s prayer, His last prayer on the Earth before going to the cross, and His  subsequent resurrection that the Father’s Glory would be made known to…
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The Prayer and Missions Movement Leading the Way Grant Berry

We have heard over and over again about the significance of prayer in our personal walks and for the growth and expansion of the Church or Ekklesia. As believers in Yeshua, personal prayer provides our connection and that of intimacy,  and our direction with and to God. Corporate prayer, in all its different forms, provides…
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Rebuilding Love and unity in the Church – Part 2 Grant Berry

“Build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people.” (Isaiah‬ 62:10) As you have read part one of this article last month and are now reading part two, please continue to be prayerful as we focus on some delicate and sensitive issues which we need to face…
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Rebuilding Love and Unity in the Church – Part 1 Grant Berry

Build up, Build up, Prepare the road! Remove the Obstacles Out of the Way of my People.  (Isaiah‬ 57:14) For many years I have lead ministerially in our calling, specifically to both a Reconnection and our Alignment as part of the One New Man (TONM) in Yeshua our Messiah. As I wrote in my previous…
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We Have a Destiny – Reconnection and Alignment in the One New Man Grant Berry

I am an English Jew born in London, England, and I was born again in New York City in 1985. Without going into too much detail now … yet when I came to know Yeshua, it occurred as I was on my bedroom floor and cried out to God in repentance of my sins. At…
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