Power of Choice

Power of Choice Benjamin Juster

Every day you face hundreds of choices. Many are seemingly insignificant, but others are life changing. Even trivial, inconsequential choices may end up causing tremendous harm in your life. Think about that extra helping of dessert.  Make that choice only once, it’s no problem. But make that choice repeatedly for multiple days, weeks, and months on  end, you will eventually become twice the person you used to be.

An incredible freedom that God has given to each of us is the power of choice. If we don’t like where we are or what we  are doing today, we can work to change it. And even those things that you feel you have little control over, you are still  given the choice of how you will respond.

This month marks the celebration of Purim, a significant Jewish festival commemorating the triumph over genocidal evil  against all odds. Shockingly, the victory achieved was not through military prowess or miraculous divine intervention.

Read the full article here: Issue 32