Processing the Prophetic

Processing the Prophetic Jo Miller

A Journey He Desires to Take with Us

The prophetic can be somewhat of a mystery to many believers and there has been much misunderstanding, abuse, and wrong teaching about the prophetic over the years. But now many believers in the Body of Messiah are crying out for God to pour out His Spirit and are earnestly seeking more manifestations of signs, wonders, and spiritual gifts.

1 Corinthians 14:1 says, “Pursue love and desire all the spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.”

The Lord desires that we all prophecy and He has equipped us through His Spirit to walk in all His gifts, to hear His voice, and to communicate with Him. Many want to step out in prophecy but don’t because they either don’t know how  to hear from God, question if He even speaks today, or are afraid that what they are hearing is not from God but their own thoughts … so they say nothing!

How do we begin the process of understanding prophecy?

Read the full article here: August ’22 Issue 12