Listening to the Holy Spirit

Listening to the Holy Spirit Juleon Akana

In Luke’s gospel, we read about Yeshua sending us what our Father promised, the Ruach HaKodesh. He exhorted the emissaries to wait in Yerushalayim until they were clothed with the Spirit’s power. In fact, it was to our advantage that He left, for if He did not go away, the Helper would not be sent to us (John 16:7).

The Holy Spirit dwells in every believer, directs, and empowers those who receive Him to hear His voice in ministry:

“…I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever – the Spirit of Truth … He dwells with  you…” (John 14:16-17).

The Ruach lives perpetually throughout the generations and confirms God’s Word! This is why Yeshua told His disciples that He was sending them the Helper.

There are many disagreements about the person and work of the Spirit. He is alive, and His role hasn’t changed. If we are to identify as followers of Yeshua, we need to be so close to our Savior that we overflow with living water (John 4:10). We need to undergo a transformation to offer our bodies as living sacrifices before the Lord on His altar.

Read the full article here: August ’22 Issue 12