Raising Children in Today’s Culture

Raising Children in Today’s Culture Jo Miller

God has a special call on the children now, and He is working through them as never before. The Lord said to me recently,

“Let the children come to me. It’s time for my Spirit to light the fire in the children in greater measure. They stand as beacons before my throne. I shine through the children, and I desire to use them in greater measure for all to see. Do not hinder them, for they are chosen to bring my Kingdom to this world. My Spirit fills them, and I will use them to carry my heart beyond limits. Prepare them. Train them to hear my voice.  Give them space to learn and to explore the realm of the gifts of my Spirit, healing, intercession, and love for the lost. I am doing mighty things in the children. Do not hold them back. Encourage them to go deeper in me.”

So how must we prepare them? Here are a few practical suggestions.

  • Begin by telling them about the glory that’s about to come and how they will be a part of it.
  • Teach them to know what weapons of warfare they have and how to use them.
  • Teach them to know the power that is within them and where it comes They need to learn how to read the from. It is the power and glory of signs God that they possess, and they will understand what hour they are see it being manifested in their lives living in, and what it means to “love if they learn how to recognize it.

Read the full article here: https://joom.ag/3mcI/p23