A Day at the Temple

A Day at the Temple Todd Westphal

Yeshua answered, You know neither Me nor my Father. If you knew Me, you would also know My Father” (John 8:19 TLV). In chapters 8 and 9 of the Gospel of John, we witness a spiritual sword fight between Yeshua and that of the Pharisees. Time and time again they would challenge His every statement,…
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Our Redeemer Juleon Akana

Yeshua’s preeminent status as the Word of God above and over creation (firstborn) is the missing piece to understanding the New Covenant scriptures against the backdrop of the Tanakh (Old Testament). This vital link shapes our understanding of the Bible and the way we speak about our Lord and Savior. When we share the Good…
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The Upper Room Discourse 79 Rabbi Michael Weiner

John 17:17 Make them holy in the truth. Your word is truth. There is a lot of mention here (in Yeshua’s prayer) of “them.” To whom is Yeshua referring? Let’s look back and see. Yeshua’s prayer begins in John 17:1, and continues for the entire chapter. Yeshua prays to the Father throughout. He starts by…
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What Kind of People Are You To Be? Benjamin Juster

Yeshua is coming soon! Do not lose the longing for His return. In my travels, I’ve recognized a growing doubt and confusion about the literal return of Yeshua to Jerusalem to set up His Kingdom on earth. Though there is a residual hope,  the assurance of Yeshua’s return has waned. Because there is not a…
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The Upper Room Discourse 1 Rabbi Michael Weiner

Yeshua sent two of His disciples … Mark 14:13b-15 Follow him (the man carrying the jar of water), and wherever he enters, tell the homeowner, ‘The Teacher says, “Where is My guest room, where I may eat the Passover with My disciples?”‘ He will show you a large upper room, furnished and ready. Make preparations…
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Matthew 7:28-29 The End! (Of the “Big Sermon”) Rabbi Michael Weiner

Matthew 7:28-29 Now when Yeshua had finished these words, the crowds were astounded at His teaching, for He was teaching them as one having authority and not as+their Torah scholars. There I was (a few minutes ago), asking the Lord how to end this series on the Sermon on the Mount, when the Scriptures themselves…
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Was Yeshua Successful? Part 9 Rabbi Michael Weiner

Was Yeshua successful? Here we sit, 2,000 years later, with questions. There is one ultimate question that demands an answer. Is Yeshua the Son of God? Many Jewish people, in attempting to answer these questions about Yeshua themselves, want to agree with some of His teachings, offering that He was a great rabbi of His…
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Was Yeshua Successful? Part 8 Rabbi Michael Weiner

Today we will illuminate the 3rd stated (by me previously) purpose of Yeshua’s coming. But first, let’s review. Jewish people are usually averse to receiving Yeshua as Messiah, mostly because the rabbis of His day (2,000 years ago) rejected His claim of deity. Yeshua said of Himself … John 10:30 I and the Father are…
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Was Yeshua Successful? Part 7 Rabbi Michael Weiner

Let’s look at the second purpose for Yeshua’s first coming in our quest to answer the question, “Was Yeshua successful?” 2. He is the image of the invisible God. Since we can’t see God and live, Yeshua came as one of us so we could see the image of God manifest on earth. It is…
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Was Yeshua Successful? Part 6 Rabbi Michael Weiner

We started this series a few weeks ago and have had the first five parts to date. Today we start a new phase. So far we have “set the table” with discussions of some foundational issues. Yet the question remains, “Was Yeshua successful?” Our original proposition was to offer four of the many possible purposes…
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