Hot Days of Summer

Hot Days of Summer Jackie Santoro

We are in the midst of summer and the days are uncomfortably hot and dry and it has been nine months since the war started. For most of us, time passes quickly. I looked forward to my trip to the States and now its two weeks since we came back and already it seems like…
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Days of Remembrance Jackie Santoro

Today is Yom Hazikaron which means the Day of Memory or Memorial Day. It is historically a very respectful and somber day as Israelis honor the memory of those killed in terror attacks or in the too many wars this country has fought in order to defend itself. Places of entertainment are closed early, there…
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An Historic Moment! Jackie Santoro

It is a time like none other. Saturday night the whole nation was riveted to the news as word came that for the first time in history, Iran was targeting Israeli soil with over 300 missiles and rockets. Iran had been threatening for weeks that an attack was coming and tensions increased with each passing…
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And the War Continues Jackie Santoro

Day 163 of the War. Anti-semitism is increasing dramatically and the world is seeing Israel as the cruel oppressor. Several countries are threatening sanctions against weapons sales to Israel if they go into Rafah, the last Hamas stronghold in Gaza and where the IDF believes the hostages are being held. The international community doesn’t want…
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And the War Continues Jackie Santoro

Day 112 of the war and the dark cloud of mourning and grieving over this nation grows ever larger. One of the more tragic events took place a few days ago as 21 young reservist soldiers were killed when the building they were preparing for detonation was fired upon by terrorists, causing an explosion and…
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Israel under Siege Jackie Santoro

The war has been very hard. Every day there are casualties, every day there are too many vibrant, brave, wonderful young men whose lives have been ended too soon. We see their pictures, we hear their stories and feel the immense, deep and profound grief that the families must endure. Yesterday, a courageous young, believing…
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Israel at War Jackie Santoro

Day 46 of the War… and it’s been a very stormy and rainy few days. Usually, rain is a welcome event and marks the end of the long, hot, dry summer season. When rain is expected the next morning, the weather forecaster says that “winter is coming tomorrow”. And everyone is happy. Yet today, it…
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The War Continues … Jackie Santoro

Day 20 of the War. The situation is very complicated, fragile, volatile and very tense. The ground troops have been amassed for three weeks on the Gaza Border awaiting orders to begin the invasion. The United States is exerting pressure to delay the entry citing that a ground invasion hinders the release of the captives.…
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Israel at War Jackie Santoro

Israel is now at war. The nation is in shock, anger, mourning and, most of all, total unbelief. How could Hamas pull off a highly organized terror attack in Southern Israel and succeed beyond their wildest fantasies against one of the most powerful armies in the world? How could they break through the border fence…
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Happy New Year 5784! Jackie Santoro

Honey and pomegranates, dried fruit and all kinds of presents for the kitchen are flooding the stores as Israel enters into the Feasts of Tishri which began two Friday nights ago with Rosh Hashanah. Traditionally, the nation celebrates this day as the start of the New Year, 5784. It is a very happy few days…
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