Our Redeemer

Our Redeemer Juleon Akana

Yeshua’s preeminent status as the Word of God above and over creation (firstborn) is the missing piece to understanding the New Covenant scriptures against the backdrop of the Tanakh (Old Testament). This vital link shapes our understanding of the Bible and the way we speak about our Lord and Savior. When we share the Good…
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Kairos Moments in Savannah Juleon Akana

Recently my wife and I made the short four-hour drive to Savannah, Georgia. We took a few days off for ourselves (or so we thought) to recharge and get away from everything. It turns out that Adonai had gone before us even in our plans to  hide from everything and everyone. Upon our arrival, we…
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Provoking Israel to Jealousy Juleon Akana

Jealousy. What exactly are we to do with it and how is it painted on the canvas of how we are to reach the lost? Many  still do not comprehend how to function in this role. First, we must look at the word to understand its origin. Jealousy  comes from the Greek verb zeo, meaning…
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Listening to the Holy Spirit Juleon Akana

In Luke’s gospel, we read about Yeshua sending us what our Father promised, the Ruach HaKodesh. He exhorted the emissaries to wait in Yerushalayim until they were clothed with the Spirit’s power. In fact, it was to our advantage that He left, for if He did not go away, the Helper would not be sent…
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Lifestyle Evangelism Juleon Akana

As followers of Yeshua the Messiah we are called to testify to the grace and mercy of the Lord in every sphere of life,to give ourselves as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1) and to lead lives that are worthy of the calling which we have been called (Ephesians 4:1). Yet in this, what does it truly…
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