Discipleship and Community

Discipleship and Community Daniel Juster

Before we had Messianic Judaism in our lives, Patti and I — from about 1970-1971 — were on a quest asking, “What really is the nature of the Church?” This question came in the midst of a context where secular writers were ringing alarm bells left and right on the social trends within America. There was almost a nationwide loss of the stability of place, friendships, extended family and even local neighborhoods.

We were mere economic pawns in the system and were allowing our lives to revolve around money and the ease of mobility for seeking greener pastures. In the end, these trends only lead to a deeper sense of alienation and loss.

Surely, we thought, the Church must have an answer to this problem. We were also very discouraged by what we experienced as we looked for a Church and experienced, what I only now call, “Go to meeting Church.” You know – sit down, stand up, sing a hymn, have announcements, have another hymn, take an offering, hear a special music piece, hear a sermon, receive an invitation and then a benediction and we go home.

The special music might have been really special and the sermon quite good, but… but… “Where was community?” – we often asked each other.

Read the full article here: December ’21 Issue 4