Time for Recalibration

Time for Recalibration David Westra

I was reminded, recently, of the importance that an accurate compass reading can make. A ship sailing from Los Angeles, California to Sydney, Australia whose compass is off by only one degree, will only be off by a matter of 90 some feet after a  mile of travel. Hardly noticeable. Yet by the end of…
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Lead like a Gardener Benjamin Juster

The book Team of Teams by General Stanley McChrystal, explores the dynamics of leadership structures from his  experience during the post-Saddam Hussein Iraq and Afghanistan war. His conclusion is that once organizations have  developed a shared commitment and passion around a set of values and empowered its team members to take action  within defined margins…
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Renewing Passion Ben Juster

Passion is one of the most important keys to a healthy growth in the Lord and as a disciple of the Kingdom. It is essential for both leadership and ministry. Passion is an intense desire or enthusiasm for something. Enthusiasm is intense or eager enjoyment, interest, or approval  of a pursuit. Unrestrained passion without purpose…
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Overcoming Information Intoxication Benjamin Juster

You will not grow by reading this magazine. What? Stay with me. A year or so ago, God put it on my heart to launch a magazine that would represent the unique combination of values and Kingdom principles we aim to reproduce within our Tikkun America family of congregations and ministries. When I shared the…
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Discipleship and Community Daniel Juster

Before we had Messianic Judaism in our lives, Patti and I — from about 1970-1971 — were on a quest asking, “What really is the nature of the Church?” This question came in the midst of a context where secular writers were ringing alarm bells left and right on the social trends within America. There…
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On Jewish Evangelism Rabbi Michael Weiner

Jewish people need Yeshua! Why is that statement so hard to understand? Yeshua said as much. We can learn much from the episode of the Canaanite woman who came to Yeshua seeking healing for her daughter, who was “severely tormented by a demon.” In the middle of their discussion, Yeshua makes this statement … Matthew…
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But I’m Not a Leader Benjamin Juster

You may not be in a leadership position within your congregation or workplace. Leonard Ravenhill relates the story of a group of tourists who were visiting a picturesque village in the mountains. They strolled by an old man sitting by the gate leading into the town. One tourist stopped and curiously questioned him, “Were any…
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