For Everything there is a Season

For Everything there is a Season Stewart Lieberman

What an incredibly fast-paced year 2023 has been! Both personally and in ministry this has been a year  of transition, re-alignment, breakthrough, and war. As I write this, Israel has been in an existential conflict with Hamas and  other terrorist groups that was launched on October 7th, being marked by the brutal and evil attack where 1,400  Israelis, (mostly civilians) which included women, children and even holocaust survivors who were murdered. All of us, especially the faithful remnant know, just as after 9/11, that we are living in a different world than we were on October 6th.

That means we cannot “do” ministry, lead our communities, relate to others, or even read the Scriptures and worship the  way we did on October 6th! I’m not trying to be dramatic or extreme, but just stating the obvious, that the urgency of the hour requires us to be much more intentional and Kingdom-focused than ever before.

Read the full article here: Issue 29