The Upper Room Discourse 61

The Upper Room Discourse 61 Rabbi Michael Weiner

John 17:2 Even as You gave Him authority over all flesh, so may He give eternal life to all those You have given Him.

This is likely to be the shortest piece ever. There are two reasons for this. First, God gave me a really short message as I meditated on this verse. Secondly, time is short as I’m leaving where I am now tomorrow and beginning some travel that will end up in Knoxville sometime early next week. My internet connections and the time to write may be spotty between now and then. I’ll write again as I’m given opportunity.

What is this prayer of Yeshua really saying as He speaks of Himself? It appears to make the connection between flesh and eternal life. Eternal life is given only to the Spirit. Authority over all flesh is the power to heal. So we can understand this prayer as follows … In its most simplistic form, (there is much more to “all authority”) Yeshua is saying that God has given Him the power to heal the body (flesh) so that we will be believe He can heal the spirit (give eternal life). He is our all in all, and there is no short piece that can explain that.

There you go. That was straightforward and to the point.