The Power of Blessing – Part 2

The Power of Blessing – Part 2 Ben Juster

In the last article, I expressed how blessing is God’s primary mechanism of imparting to a person His image (thoughts, feelings, and purpose) of identity (Who am I?) and destiny (Why am I here?). One’s vision for life, physical and emotional health, financial prosperity, and family relational dynamics are all directly linked to images of God, self, and others  imprinted in the inner man (heart) of every person. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7)

So what’s the problem? Why is it still so hard for us to walk in that continued place of blessing and assurance?

Due to past experiences, trauma, or even the lack of blessing from people in our lives (parents, teachers, bosses, kids, spiritual leaders), we have bought into the lie that we won’t amount to much or that we are irreparably flawed in some  way. Our pain and tainted identity leads us to either withdraw from loving relationships or to lash out in hurtful ways to others.

Don’t believe me? Think about the people that have hurt you and said cruel and inconsiderate things to you. Chances are they are hurting as well. We find it easy to complain about others and to curse them when they do things that inconvenience or hurt us.

In families, it is all too common for the primary words children hear from their parents to be that of correction and  criticism. Sometimes the words that parents speak actually impart Satan’s destructive vision and image rather than God’s …

Read the full article here: August ’22 Issue 12