The Upper Room Discourse 60

The Upper Room Discourse 60 Rabbi Michael Weiner

John 17:1 Yeshua spoke these things; then, lifting up His eyes to heaven, He said, “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, so the Son may glorify You.”

Last time we took a detour. Today we’re back on track. Yeshua prayed, “The hour has come.” What “hour” is that? Yeshua wasn’t telling the time of day, He was speaking of the time of His sacrifice. The One Who would “bruise the head” of the deceiver was appointed to die.

Rabbi Trail: It seems counter-intuitive that the greatest victory (freeing the world from the curse of sin) would be achieved by the greatest act of submission. Although Yeshua had the power to save Himself, He chose to sacrifice Himself instead. End RT.

When Yeshua died, Satan may have imagined he had finally defeated God, but his euphoria was short-lived when Yeshua rose from the grave. This victory is described by Paul in Romans 4 which comes out of Isaiah 53.

Romans 4:7-8,25 Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin Adonai will never count against him. … He was handed over for our transgressions and raised up for the sake of setting us right.

Before He prayed, Yeshua knew His hour of betrayal had come, but His only thought was to pray for glory, that the Son and the Father would glorify each other. But what does Yeshua’s prayer really mean? God’s glory is more than the mortal mind can comprehend.

In the Hebrew mindset, “glory” is connected to the concept of weighty or gravity. We give God glory when we value the reality of Who He is. Yeshua (the Son) is the reflection of the Father. Yeshua put it this way … John 12:45 And whoever beholds Me beholds the One who sent Me. To “behold” is to value the reality.

All of our senses are accentuated where God is concerned. We see more, hear more and feel more with our hearts when God is the object of our affections. Naturally and especially, glory is accentuated too. To God be the glory. John certainly heard it in his vision written in the book of Revelation. What were the 24 elders chanting as they fell down before God Who was seated on the throne?

Revelation 4:11 Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, For You created all things, and because of Your will they existed and were created!

So be it! Amen and amen!