Loving our Jewish Brothers & Sisters

Loving our Jewish Brothers & Sisters Aaron Allsbrook

Evangelism is often thought of as simply telling people about Yeshua. It can look similar to a salesman sharing with a potential customer about a product that they’re hoping this person will purchase. The salesman gives a lot of information  with catchy phrases and words while using pre-planned questions, all with the hopes that the…
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Am Yisrael Chai Aaron Allsbrook

Someone asked me the other day, “What does Am Israel Chai mean?” And if you don’t know, I want to tell you. Because it’s not just a slogan, it’s a prayer and a proclamation. From the Hebrew, Am Yisra’el Chai translates into English,  “The People of Israel Live.” It is well-known in Jewish culture and…
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Forgiveness and Intimacy Aaron Allsbrook

The high holidays. Every Jew knows about them and it’s usually the only time most Jews go to any type of service. These  are big events, that is, Rosh Hashanah and, especially, Yom Kippur. Many irreligious Jews fast even to some degree on Yom  Kippur. Whatever one has done for the other 364 days of…
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I gotta be me Aaron Allsbrook

Many people in New York go apple picking in the fall. It is a wonderful time to get outside, get into nature, and enjoy some of the last of the nice weather. People arrive at a farm, get their baskets, and head to the trees to find the best, juiciest apples. Imagine, however, when they…
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Good News for Jews Aaron Allsbrook

Good news has to be good. We’ve all heard of some of these: “I got accepted to college!” “I just got engaged!” “I’m pregnant!” “I got the job!” These are “good news” because they are things we wanted—really, really wanted—and receiving them brought us great joy to receive them. It also brings us joy to…
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On Ordaining Shammashot Aaron Allsbrook

Our congregation’s current policy is to ordain only men to the office of shamash (Hebrew for deacon). It is based upon biblical evidence and longstanding tradition within much of the Body of Messiah. Our elders eventually began to think however, about ordaining shammashot (Hebrew for deaconess). This discussion became one that included the opinion of…
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